Mars Rover with satellite assistant system (SAS)


A Mars rover is an automated motor vehicle which propels itself across the surface of the planet Mars upon arrival. Rovers have several advantages over stationary landers: they examine more territory, they can be directed to interesting features, they can place themselves in sunny positions to weather winter months and they can advance the knowledge of how to perform very remote robotic vehicle control.
This Mars Rover has a portable assistant so called “Satellite” connected to it. And we can gain access of it through internet and almost anyone can get live video feed from it.
Satellite keep on hovering around Rover to collect data of ground and also to guide rover to some specific spot on mars. This rover could be sent to much far planets for exploration since it has its own guide and communication system.


 Many Rovers are sent to mars but all fall for same flaw that once Rover stops feeding back the signals to earth they just prove to be useless. We designed a navigational assistant known as Assistant Satellite which keeps on flying over Rover and keep its location intact and it keeps all data saved and once signal is lost it tries to retrieve it. In this way our Rover is more effective in unexpected situations.


1)   Rover can be controlled from anywhere around the globe. 
2)   Rover has live video transmitting feature.
3)   It is equipped with night vision and thermal vision.
4)   It has lifter to collect samples.
5)   It is controllable through any internet enabled device.
6)   It is equipped with an assistant that keep on flying all around.
7)   Assistant keep track of rover’s movements.
8)   Assistant can even act as crane and move rover to safe zones.


created by:

1.       Aman Sheel                            

2.       Mohit Jouhari                               

3.       Pritam Kr. Singh                          

4.       Karan Gandhi                               

5.       Murshid Gupta                            





The whole idea is about creating a device which could be controlled from anywhere around the globe.

This robot is designed with keeping Mars Rover in mind. It has various features such as:

1)   This robot is controllable from any internet enabled device (provided they have particular software with specific codes) so you can control this thing on the other side of the planet.


2)   Rover could be controlled using arrow keys of keyboard with particular running program.



3)   Rover has live high resolution video transmitting feature with features of thermal imaging, night vision, etc.


4)   Rover has an additional hand like structure known as Lifter, to collect samples from land on which it is moving.



5)    Controllers are powered by Lithium-ion battery rover by same rechargeable cells or even can be replaced by dry cells.


6)   Rover is designed in such a way that additional features could be added depending on our need.